Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana

The project seeks to promote sustainable agriculture practices under Mahila Kissan Sashaktikaran Pariyojna (MKSP) in Potangi and Semiliguda Blocks of Koraput District, Odisha. Besides, it shall contribute for improved health and nutritional security, reduction of drudgery of women agriculture workforce and empowerment of women farmers. It will benefit 3000 direct beneficiaries through a network of community based platforms like SHGs, Producer Groups, Federations and Marketing Societies. The project shall be implemented in compliance with the non negotiable principles of NRLM-: These include; Focus on the poor, Focus on women, Adherence to protocols on sustainable agriculture. Food security and, social security of communities should be given highest priority in allocating resources, Universal social inclusion and universal social mobilization in a time bound manner, Transparent and participatory identification of poor, Federations of institutions of the poor as ‘force multipliers’ and as ‘sensitive support structures’ to promote and nurture S.H.Gs.
The project was being implemented in Pottangi and Semiliguda Blocks of Koraput District, Odisha with the technical guidance and funding support of State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) and National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM). The project aims to contribute for improved health and nutritional security, reduction of drudgery of women agriculture workforce and empowerment of women farmers. It has organized 3000 women farmers through a network of community based platforms like SHGs, Producer Groups, Federations and Marketing Societies. Besides professional staff, a dedicated team of CRPs and PRPs is providing handholding and process level facilitation in project implementation. The project emphasizes Focus on the poor, Focus on women and Adherence to protocols on Sustainable Agriculture. The greatest advantage of the project lies in its attempt to develop and tap social capital, especially women, in deepening development outreach and effectiveness. Total coverage in terms of Mahila Kisans was 3015; 1802 [collectivized into 199 SHGs in 56 villages] in Pottangi and 1213[collectivized into 101 SHGs in 32 villages] in Semiliguda.


The goal of the project is to empower women in agriculture to enhance their capacity toincrease their farm income sustainability through adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, conservation of bio-diversity, natural resource management and ensure householdfood and nutrition security through on-farm and non-farm enterprises.

Details of coverage

Details of coverage :

Broad Activities under the initiative

The direct beneficiaries of the project were benefited in terms of training & capacity building, exposure, participation in larger forums through institution building. They were also provided direct support from the project and by leverage of services from various schemes and programmes operative in the region. The activities carried out under the project are broadly divided into the following categories: Institution Building Capacity Building Community Investment Support Knowledge Management Monitoring & Evaluation Institution Building Agriculture and agricultural production and marketing are the focus of the project. The beneficiaries under the project are traditionally doing their farming activities and the project intends to reorganize the same through change in the culture and practice of agriculture with integration of technology skill and marketing aspects. For realization of the same, there is need of organizing the farmers into groups to initiate better and cohesive approach at community level so that their acceptability, adoptability and practicability is ensured towards a new advanced and climate adaptive agriculture including accessing greater marketing opportunities. In this context, it is essential thereof to organize the women farmers into groups, strengthen their capacities, increase their bargain power and link up them with different on-going schemes & programmes will help in catering benefits all around. The project emphasized upon building of community level institutions such as WSHGs, Producers groups, federations and marketing societies in order to provide better income opportunity and enhancing their bargaining power to the small and marginal women farmers.

Strengthening of SHG:

In order to strengthen the Self Help Groups formed and facilitated under the project, the groups were provided training on record keeping and management of their respective SHGs in day to day affairs. Training/orientation programmes were conducted.

Strengthening of Producers Group:

It was envisaged under the project to form and strengthen 90 Producers groups during the project period and with the formation of Producers groups, strengthening and proper management of the PG was also taken care of. The training were of one day duration each in which the participants learnt about different aspects of proper functioning & management of the group such as maintain a set of records relating to their financial transactions, membership register, minutes book, thrift & credit management, group wise crop plan and group management etc.

Capacity Building:

Training & capacity building of women farmers for better agricultural production was one of the focused areas of intervention under the MKSP project and the women farmers were provided training on different aspects of sustainable agricultural practices for acquiring skill and knowledge and applying the same in agriculture.

Module Development:

Training module on different thematic issues such as land & water management, value chain & market linkage, soil & water conservation, soil sample collection, household level nutrition, preparation & application of bio-fertilizer, SRI paddy cultivation, backyard kitchen garden, Preparation of Vermi-compost & Application, Disease and Pest Management, Post-Harvest Care and Practices, Potato Cultivation, Livestock care and practices and Gender Sensitization etc. has been developed for imparting training to the PRPs, CRPs and PGs. Training Module Details Under Sustainable Agriculture

Training to CRPs:

The Community level Resource Persons are promoted under the project who are mostly experienced and literate SHG members. The CRPs play catalytic role as communicators, local change agents, facilitators and link person between the SHG and PIA. Hence, their capacity building and exposure is given priority under the project. During the reporting period, the CRPs were provided training on: land & water management, value chain & market linkage, soil & water conservation, soil sample collection, household level nutrition, preparation & application of bio-fertilizer, SRI paddy cultivation, backyard kitchen garden, Preparation of Vermi compost & Application, Disease and Pest Management, Post-Harvest Care and Practices, Potato Cultivation, Livestock care and practices and Gender Sensitization etc.

Training to PRPs:

The PRPs were identified by the SHG members from their villages to work as bare-foot extension workers and service providers. They are working as facilitators at the village level for technology transfer, utilization of inputs, capacity building, market linkage, bank linkage and convergence. During the reporting period, the PRPs were provided training on: land & water management, value chain & market linkage, soil & water conservation, soil sample collection, household level nutrition, preparation & application of bio-fertilizer, SRI paddy cultivation, backyard kitchen garden, Preparation of Vermi compost & Application, Disease and Pest Management, Post-Harvest Care and Practices, Potato Cultivation, Livestock care and practices and Gender Sensitization etc.

Training to Community Members/MKs:

The MKs were provided training on Potato cultivation, preparation & application of bio-fertilizer, SRI paddy cultivation, backyard kitchen garden, Preparation of Vermi compost & Application, Disease and Pest Management, Post-Harvest Care and Practices, Potato Cultivation, Livestock care and practices and Gender Sensitization etc. Training to PRI Members Local Self Governance plays a crucial role in implementation of any developmental project of the village/Gram Panchayat. The PRIs were sensitized on gender mainstreaming, household level nutrition etc. Training to PG Leaders The PG Leaders were provided training on Potato cultivation, preparation & application of bio-fertilizer, SRI paddy cultivation, backyard kitchen garden, Preparation of Vermi compost & Application, Disease and Pest Management, Post-Harvest Care and Practices, Potato Cultivation, Livestock care and practices and Gender Sensitization etc.